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Supporting Article
Meet China’s Gen Z
Vol. 23, No. 3
[…] navigate social networks of the real world, to make friends, and to build a support network so they can succeed on campus and survive off campus. Considerable numbers of Chinese students quit, not because they lack academic merit, but because they lack the ability to survive in the challenging new environment of the real […]
This Is Crazy!
"This is crazy," I observed to my audience of parents and high school students in Beijing. "Why on earth would parents send their 14- or 15- or 16-year-olds to the other side of the world for schooling, especially when studies show some of the best schools in the world are in your own country?"
ChinaSource Perspective
A Rich Historical Ride
The president of ChinaSource, Rev. Schottelkorb, points out some of the highlights of this issue, especially the comprehensive historical context of Chinese Christianity in North America.
Gaining Perspective on the Chinese American Christian Diaspora
[…] Wheaton College Billy Graham Center) did an exceptional job of guest editing the issue and bringing to our attention the history of the Chinese Christian diaspora in North America and the current situation and challenges faced by Chinese American Christians today. ChinaSource president, Kerry Schottelkorb tells us more in his “ChinaSource Perspective” piece for […]
Give and It Will Be Given to You
Engaging and Collaborating
[…] that despite my blind spots, independence, and stubbornness, he will build his church through his community of engaged, collaborative, and serving people. My pastor recently said, “The number one skill of discipleship is introducing ourselves to strangers. The number two skill is asking questions and then listening carefully.” I learned this from so many […]
Pausing to Say Thank You
[…] reminded of that many times. Often when one of us on the ChinaSource team is speaking at a church, attending a conference, or just talking on the phone to someone at a partnering organization, the question arises, “How many people are on your staff?” Without fail the person is surprised by the answer. The […]
Book Reviews
Following the Servant Role of Jesus
[…] impression that this is what America produces. It was 1965 when upon graduating from college I entered the Peace Corps and became another American living overseas in North Africa. Our training programs, both prior to our arrival and in-country, helped prepare us for the varieties of culture we would face, and for how we […]
That They May Be One as We Are One
Engaging and Collaborating
[…] international Christian organizations serving in Asia. Along the way, I had the privilege of collaborating with Brent and the ChinaSource team on several initiatives in Asia and North America and attended many ChinaSource gatherings. I met amazing kingdom people, some of whom I have enjoyed serving alongside for many years. Last week we looked […]
Book Reviews
True Stewardship
Stewards in the Kingdom: A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness by R. Scott Rodin.
Reviewed by Kerry Schottelkorb
Greetings from Kerry Schottelkorb
New President of ChinaSource
I have especially been drawn to the core values upon which ChinaSource was founded—engage, collaborate, serve.